Awards & Prizes

Endowment awards being distributed every year for the successful candidates in public Examination.

Special Awards & cash prizes for Academic Excellence & Co-Curricular Activities

Dr. V. Subramanyan Memorial Award : The school awards cash prizes instituted by the munificence of Sri C. P. Natarajan, Ex-Director, C F T R I, in memory of Late Dr V. Subrahmanyan, to the best student of the S.S.L,C. Examination.

Sri. Muralidhar Award : is given to the topper in Social Science in the SSLC public examination

Swarna Jayanthi Scholarship : is to honour the topper in SSLC public exam and topper in VII standard exam.

Master K S Vyas Award : The school awards cash prize institued by Sri Umapathy in memory of Master K.S. Vyas to honour the topper in three languages(Sanskrit/English/Kannada Or English/Kannada/Hindi) in SSLC public exam

Smt. Subbalakshamma Srinivasa Murthy Award : Sri Ramakrishna has instituted a cash prize in memory of late Smt. Subbalakshamma Srinivas Murthy for the best student obtaining highest marks in Science and Mathematics at the S. S. L. C. examination

Silver Jubilee Award :

  • 1. CFTRI School Silver Jubilee Award for the best performance at the VII Standard examination.
  • 2. CFTRI School Silver Jubilee Award for the best over-all performance of the student throughout the year in the X standard.

Kum. C. S. Poojitha Award : The school awards cash prize institued by Smt C. Anitha in memory of Kumari C. Poojihta to student from VI standard for the excellent performance in drawing

H.S. Gangamma - B.R. Kaveramma Award : The school awards cash prize to the winners in Inter high school English essay writing competitions

CFTRI Alumni & Prof. Hulse Award : The school awards cash prize to the winners of English Debate competitions