Science Talk on Rockets and Satellites
A science talk was organized for the students of X and IX standards on Monday 22 June 2015. An Electrical Engineer from ISRO, Sri Nagaraj Ananth gave a talk on Rockets and Satellites. Mr. Ananth, talked about the first international and Indian astronauts and cosmonauts who travelled to space and moon. He also talked about various stages of rocket launching. Mr Ananath is likey to start a science club namely Galileo Science Club and he gave an introduction about it. The talk was very impressive, interesting and motivational. He showed many videos realted to his talk.
International Yoga Day was celebrated in the school on Sunday, 21 June 2015 from 7.00 am to 7.45 am. Sri Ravanikar H N, Yoga Master, Agrahara, Mysuru was the Guest of Honour. He along with six of his students - one student is also the student of UKG class, CFTRI School-demonstrated various Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation. Sri Ravanikar H N, Yoga Master, stressed on the importance of yoga in his introductory speech and talked about the benefits of yoga. Smt Saraswathi BAi, Principal, presided over the function. The programme was organized and managed by Sri V G Bhat, Sanskrit Master. All the staff members took part in the programme. A yoga training programme was organised for students on 23 June 2015 by the members of "Art of living". Mrs Naganandini and Mrs Pratibha from Art of living group gave training invarious Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation with demonstration. Calss VII students took part in it.
Environment Day was celbrated in the school on June 5, 2015. Many chikdren from classes I to IX had drawn posters to mark the importance of the day and displyed at the School assembly. Before this Kumari Sharanya of IX 'B' gave a brief information about the World Environment day and Master Poojith from IX 'B' highlighted the points to protect our environment. To commemorate the the event Master Keerthan of X 'B' planted a mango sapling in the school ground. A drawing programme was also oragnised in the school for all students on June 6th 2015 in which the students took part enthusiastically and showed their talents.